Saturday, January 26, 2013

Android memories

2013 has been passing by too quickly.
February is already coming before we realise it- Time for gathering, bak kwa and ang pow!!!

Backlogged from my phone :)

Gathering with my favourite girls at Hard Rock Cafe

PX looking really good in her short hair!
If you notice, I tried to curl my hair but the OCD me decided to go back to rebonded hair in the end. Heehee.

The company beats the food we were having hands down. 
There were so many birthday celebrations going on there that I thought it was a little noisy for gathering...

Met up with Laoda when I was back.. 

I always fail to capture a picture of her.. haha

 A New Year lunch at Jack's Place cos love has to rush home for work..
First time trying after 3,4 years? And I still don't like it..

My ladies had a staycation at MBS a few weeks ago..
Hahaha we are so nua the only picture I capture was our steamboat dinner!

Mega love for this 盐酥鸡 at 鲜得来.
Duper spicy but damn shiok!

Darling treated me to our monthsary dinner at Coca :)
According to the manager, the branch at Taka is closing down in late January.

Met up with FZ at TCC for dinner.. Thanks BFF for the treat!! :)

The best boyfriend surprised me by picking me up from my Zumba class:)
But look at what we have after class! There goes my hour of exercise.

This new shop at City Square mall, Barbocoa sells pretty decent western at affordable price..
But I still prefer Aston which is just one level below it! Heehehe

Have a good weekend everyone! 

Argh.. I REALLY should slap on a mask and start doing work !

Hello Friday, hello love :)

This week had been mad busy and there are times I am so tired I actually concussed immediately when I reached home.

WC had been really busy this week too cos a new project has started but he always make time for me no matter how tired he is :)

We promised to meet no matter how late he ended work yesterday and he says he will drag me out of my house just to go on a date with me even I am too lazy to go out.
See how much the boyfriend wants to go on a date with me? LOL.

It was pretty late by the time I met WC and we need sinful indulgence to keep us awake!

Punggol Nasi Lemak at 11pm!

My favourite boy 

No more dessert place around so we headed to the arcade!
We used to go to the arcade for car racing together.. but the machines were crowded though it's near midnite.
So we played some old school game and you can see I was trashed :(

We decided to head home after that cos our eyes were closing by 1+.
To think we used to hang out for late night movie till 2 or 3 in the past.  Really 岁月不饶人 leh! Hahaha.

And you know when you are really tired when:
1. We mistook the uncle cab driver as a lady. So paiseh when I called her aunty!
2. WC and I went home with one racke each when I am supposed to bring both home.

Time to get back to work and maybe meet love for a nice dinner! :)
My girls are all at the airport now ready for a vacation but I m stuck at home cos of work:((
Enjoy yourself in Bali!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Do you hear the people sing?

I had a great weekend!

How about you?

It gets pretty annoying when people associate the number of working hour to how much work you do.
But I don't really care.. I already had my TGIF mode turned up at 1pm and headed home immediately when I completed all my stuff! 

Friday was so well spent with the family :)
Sis and I treated our parents to a meal at 天外天 cos she finally received her first paycheck!
Did some CNY shopping with Jia at Bugis after that.
Think we went into some shopping frenzy, we got more than 10 pieces of clothes altogether! Shiokadoodoo~~

Shopping date initiated by WC on our Saturday date (how rare is that?)
But what to expect when you shop with the boyfriend rite?
Only one pair of shoes. ROARRRRRRR.

So we do what we do and love best! :)

FOOD! *slurp*

A really nice dinner at A.Venue and they served rather good aglio olio.
Nice in my opinion, but WC thought it was really good and he wants to come back again.
The vongole is our must order for us when we have pasta and it reminded us so much of the one we had in Hsin Tsu.
Talking about that, I do miss Taiwan :(

And I finally got to watch Les Miserables on Saturday!
The show was really good and I love love love Anne Hathaway. Most of them sang beautifully and it was mesmerizing enough to keep me rooted to my seat for nearly 3 hours :)

Did I mention? Watching movie with WC is one of my favourite thing to do :)
Staying close to each other to enjoy a good movie. Teehee.

Love this scene and this song the most 
So saddening when the little boy died :((((

Some volunteering work with my lovely girlfriends this morning :)
I was so looking forward to it though we were really afraid of spotting some lizards, cockroaches and bedbugs during the spring cleaning.
But it's really nice and heartwarming to see that there are still people trying to do a little something for these underpriviledged while we are all getting ready to celebrate the CNY.
And I do appreciate and  is grateful that I have a bunch of sweetest girlfriends who are ever so willing to do their bit for these people :))))

Sweetest Bella can still pose while cleaning!

Serene hard at work!

Lena and the gate that she's super proud after cleaning! :)

It's quite saddening when you talk to these elderly and realise they no longer look forward to celebrating anymore festivals cos they are alone.
Perhaps a celebration is only made meaningful when you have friends and family with you.
There is just so much we can do for them but perhaps a cleaner house will make them feel more love and care in this festive season.

We rewarded ourselves with a nice lunch thereafter!
Headed to Drips Bakery Cafe

 The Norwegian Salmon sandwich

Their big breakfast. Nothing much to rave about (except the omelette which was really yummeh!) and I found $15 a little pricey for this breakfast set.

But their dessert is definitely worth every single cent! One of the best tart I have ever eaten :)
It was sold out by the time we left the cafe!

Such a good time with them talking and laughing about the most random stuff.
So sad I will not be able to join them for their Bali trip :( Bet it's gonna be soooooooooooooo much fun!

And as if the brunch was not enough, we explored around the neighbourhood and found this really yummy BCM just beside the Tiong Bahru Market.
They had the nicest soup ever and we actually had our bowls refilled thrice!
And the uncle called us over cos he wanted to give us some crayfish to go with the noodle!
Lucky or what? Haha maybe he just wanna show some appreciation to his customers who looked so satisfied with his noodle.

Need to go to bed soon.
So not looking forward to work tomorrow but I shall stay POSITIVE!!!!

Good nite! :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

To the land of half!

For two consecutive weekends, we have been heading to JB..
But this time it was with my favourite girls! 

It was an impromptu decision to head there after our discussion over dinner last weekend.
So we went in at different timing cos some of them could only make it in the afternoon.

Love and I headed in first for some cheap and good food!
Traffic was so good unlike the previous week :)
It was such a lucky day cos we bumped into PY the moment we went in but decided not to have stone grills since they were almost done as well..
Guess what we have?

No prize for guessing cos we are always eating this!

The happy boyfriend and his shabu shabu cos he has been craving for it! :)

Paid less than 30 bucks for the meal and it left us really satisfied.
Getting everything half price gets me really excited and happy! :)

The rest of them arrived almost immediately after we had settled our bill.
Aren't we really lucky?
Headed down to buy movie tickets before getting ourselves a drinks and some catching up!

It's really funny the five of us can chat endlessly the moment we meet, wherever we are.
In the restaurant, at any shops we go into, even outside the toilet! HAHAHAHA
Thank god the boyfriends seemed to be able to entertain themselves well though I saw them shot us the helpless look a few times whenever we just settled anywhere and chat like no one's around. 

Caught a really good movie 'Parental Guidance' that leaves us laughing and crying at the end of the show.
Then it's time for dinner!
A must have when we head to JB- SEAFOOD!

Headed to 大马花园 for seafood.
I didn't know 
大马花园 and Taman Sentosa were two different places till Eldine pointed out to us.
So we took a cab to KSL and walked there.
It was a pretty long walk cos we didn't really know where we are heading..
Thankfully we managed to find the place in the end but it was good cos it left us hungry and all ready for dinner!

Smartie WC took a picture of the place before we left.

The sweetest and cutest couple!
So happy for my newly- engaged Mrs Ling! :)

Winnie and Louis who made his debut appearance! :)

Feast time! Looking at all these makes me hungry again.
Especially when I am eating magee mee for dinner today:(

The table of food makes me feel very HUAT! hahaha

So much food and it only costs us RM460! Shiok or what?

So much fun and fear during dinner! (Mainly injected by Van and her cat-scare haha)
The trip was so good we decided to make it a fort-monthly affair :)
Looking forward to our annual CNY reunion with more food and Kinect fun! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We are never too old for Lego!

Our third time to Malaysia together and we are heading to Legoland this time!
It's was WC's company's family day so we thought we would just go ahead otherwise we cannot find another reason to visit that place. Haha.

A touristy shot at the entrance.

WC's company was really generous. Mahattan's fish market's buffet!
I would have love to try other food there if not for the buffet- Cos everything is half price!

Legoland is indeed a play haven for children!
Nothing much for adults really.. so we just camwhore around like little children!
A photo-logue for this entry :)

With Lego Christmas tree!

Even the restaurant signboard is made of Lego!

More icons/wonders of the world!
They are so beautifully done :)

Hello Mr Tourist! *Forced face*

This guy really snores! 

Do you recognise this?

More cutesy Lego!

 Ending off a picture with Einstein for our last getaway for 2012!