Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The weekend is gone too quickly!

Had a pretty bad week at work but thankfully for little dates to keep me sane!

WC brought me to Watami after countless complains that I have been having too much good food without him. LOL.
No complains because I get to eat good food too! Hohoho.
I keep telling him that we have been spending too much money on food, but the mister just love to treat me to good food! Heehee.

Watami is now my favourite fusion restaurant.
Reasonably priced and quality food :)
My favourite Buddae Jiggae.

Some fried wings.

And next on my cooking list, teriyaki wafu pizza!

Had a meetup with the BOH gang.
Since we were early, we decided to grab a cuppa at The Plains.
They serve really good coffee and sandwich!
We shared a avocado turkey ham sandwich and it was really good!

Some bitching session with Yuli and WZ first before meeting the other two. 
Haha love how much my girlfriends can empathise with me.
Feel so much better talking to them cos I just can't stand inefficiency at work! Roarrrr.

And WZ decided to take a picture of us with our sandwich because he said he couldn't take a nice photo of the sandwich with my S4. 
 On a sidenote, the talented couple will be taking our pre-wedding shoot for us! 
Can't wait!!

Dinner done at Molly Roffey's Irish Pub.
Perhaps because it was a new hangout, there wasn't much people even on a Friday night.
So my first CNY gathering was spent with this endearing group of friends catching up and giving JY idea about his upcoming business haha.

So we headed off to meet our AD photographer on Saturday morning.
First meetup and he's already an hour late! (In fact he forgot about our appointment with him. Booboo)
So we headed off to THW for some snack cos I was really disappointed and hungry. Gave up my precious weekend sleep for this and it turned out this way :(

The photographer called back in the end and apologised. WC thought we should give him a chance.
Thankfully we did! Haha I was so impressed with him, not to mention he's giving us a 20% for the big booboo he made! 

Someone looking satisfied with his polo bun. 
Stop saying I am eating good food without you! ;p

Guess we head to for our Sunday date?

Still no clue?
We had an impromptu picnic at Fort Canning. 
The weather is to good to be wasted :)

Grab some stuff from Cold Storage and a picnic mat from Daiso.
Super auntified I know, but it's one of my favourite hunt!

Just me and you against the world <3

Some us time doing nothing, enjoying the breeze and watching the kids play on the field. 
Can't wait to do it again!
And of course taking pictures like this. 
WC made us "practise" for our photoshoot, but the photos look so hilarious I can't pose up here. LOL.
I am so dead for the photoshoot. 
Imagine the photographer asking me to pose here and there..

Take a step back to admire the wonder of Mother Naure :)

3 more days to CNY and I am already in the holiday mood!
trying to forget I have 2 more night classes to go. Bahhhh.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Brunch Haunt: Spathe

I blamed it on the Sunday Blues that I have not been blogging for weeks. 
It's its fault again that I am gonna have a minimal word entry.

This has got to be my favourite brunch place thus far. 

My brunch date with Bella :)

Still prefers Stranger Reunion's waffle.
But the highlight was the GARLIC FRIES (which I couldn't post cos I took a really lousy and blur picture of it)

I am so going back for the garlic fries again (even Bella agrees) and maybe to try the brunch menu (saw the other patrons having it and it looked real good.)

Okay, gonna really end abruptly cos I dunno how to end the post.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Our Foodie Day!

This blog title, because the mister says so!

The weekend is so contradicting. 
On one hand, it is so precious you want to fully utilise it. 
On the other hand, you feel so tired you just want to laze around and do nothing. 
So, our sporty weekend failed again and we ended up just eating! (What's new?)

I can't remember why but we ended up at Clarke Quay.
Our unplanned date always ended up enjoyable, because we are so good at entertaining ourselves. LOL,
I only remembered spotting WC's sister while buying the roadside ice cream.
We were so excited to see her with another guy that we decided to "stalk" them.
(Actually it's just me la!)
Haha and what's new? We lost them in our debate whether to continue following them.

Headed to Liang Court cos I wanted WC to try out Dulcet & Studio.
Some grocery shopping at Meidi-ya and I love the varieties they have there.
Our first time there and we were like some children getting excited over all the new stuff we saw there.

I was asking WC wad was this

He turned it over and said Yurine, get it? *roll eyes*

And I think Tampopo is really rich to import snow from Hokkaido for children to play in Liang Court!
So I touched Hokkaido snow before! Hahahaha.

Finally brought WC to Dulcet & Studio but think he didn't like it :(
Honestly, the food didn't taste as good as the previous time I went.
Probably the highlight of the shop is their main course.

Since we were caught in the rain, we spent some time there planning for our house.
Heehee WC was so pissed with me cos I keeps yawning while he's trying to explain some concepts about our home design to me.
(Then I realise it was because I was falling sick! I was listening okay?)

Headed off to Chinatown after that because I was craving for claypot rice!
WC never fails to satisfy my craving, especially when it comes to food! LOL.
We didn't know it was the lighting up ceremony for CNY that day and as expected, Chinatown was mad crowded.

One random shot for instagram and I got this. Haha.

And since we were already at Chinatown, we might as well immersed ourselves in the CNY mood!
CNY is my favourite festival.
I feel excited looking at these decorations and blasting New Year song everywhere!
And I am particularly excited this year because it will be my last Chinese New Year before getting married.
(Say booo to no ang pow days!)

Insisted on taking a selfie in the crowd no matter how chui we look. Haha.

Like I say, we were there for the claypot rice.
The whole hawker center was really crowded and thankfully we managed to find a windy spot cos the wait for the claypot rice was a freaking hour!

And of course, WC will never sit around to wait for food. 
No prize for guessing what he will do!
He will get food.

And more food! Wahahahaha

And finally! The lead is here. 
Looks good right?
I have been having it since young. 
It's a small shop tucked in a corner (Near the toilet somemore) but it's always crowded.
Love how tender and flavourful the chicken is!!!

The expression says it all!

Ending off the post with the 招财猫 WC bought for me from the night market!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Food For Thoughts: A new gem found!

Facebook really helps to bring friends together!
Yi Huey and I attended the same primary and secondary school and there were a year or two we were sitting partners in secondary schools!

We were chatting randomly on FB that day and she suggested a meet up.
It was really nice cos the last time we met were a few years back when she was still studying in Australia. 
She suggested going to Food For Thoughts and I didn't know there's a branch at the National Museum!

It's such a hidden gem and I am so gonna get WC to go with me again!
The food is not exactly fantastic but I love the ambience.
It was a quaint, quiet place perfect for a cup of coffee with friends.

Pesto Chicken Pasta

Chili Prawn Aglio Olio 

Cumin Fries that you can give a miss IMO

We had a nice long chat over dinner and I am so glad she is able to turn up for my wedding! :)
Unfortunately, I was having a really bad flu that day so I need to get back to rest.
We will plan again when she's back from her YEP trip!

Just one picture with my long-lost- friend!
Doesn't she look like Joi Chua?? Haha 

Our Annual Spring Cleaning

We had our second annual Spring Cleaning event to help out some elderly at Tiong Bahru area last Sunday.
It is always heartwarming to see everyone putting aside their busy schedule and precious sleep on a weekend to do something more meaningful for the less unfortunate in the society.

The lady that hosted us was eighty-eight years old and I hope I can be as fit as her when I am that age!
It's admirable how clean she kept her house so we just helped to clear some unreachable areas and persuaded her to throw away the piles of plastic bags that she had hoarded for years. 
Though we can't do much, I hoped we can at least provide a cleaner place for the elderly this festive season and to bring some joy to her that Sunday afternoon.
Our room was really noisy it felt  like a room filled with noisy grandchildren with their grandma. Haha.

Headed to Ikyu @ Yong Siak Street in Tiong Bahru for Gen's Birthday lunch.
I think the name "Ikyu" meant take a break in Japanese but ironically, the service was so not up to standard we felt so invaded in the restaurant!

It was a pretty high end Japanese restaurant but the food was pretty disappointing.
We paid close to $300 but left the place feeling totally unsatisfied.
To be fair to them, they were really attentive but it made us very uncomfortable having someone clearing plate and responding to our conversations every other minute. 
Just a collage of some of the food we had because there is nothing much to rave about. 

Headed home for a nap and woke up to a really good news on FB.
Our home is almost ready!!!!
It still seems a little unbelievable and though it's way ahead our plan, it still makes me very excited!

A simple date at City Square after that cos we were doing some recce for our wedding gifts for our brothers and sisters. 
Had my usual BCM cos lunch was so unfulfilling! :(
And this HK egglet is so addictive!

You need to have it on the spot while it's still hot and crispy. 
Hohoho guilt- free snack! 

And we had a good time in the arcade playing car racing after that.
On a side note, I finally won! Woohoohoo~

Ok gonna end really abruptly cos I don't know what to say anymore. 
Happy Midweek folks!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

My happy weekend!

First week of 2014 had been good to me!
How about yours?

I am trying hard to be more positive this year, especially at work.
And I do find myself enjoying work more! (hope it's not a short term thing!)

Been having good food for lunch lately.. and it's not making WC happy cos I kept eating stuff he wanted to eat! Muahahaha.

Met Jia for lunch the other day and we finally tried Tim Ho Wan!
Hohoho.. we only queued less than 5 minutes though there were more than 10 people in the queue. 

The fermented bean spare rib were good..

East Ocean had better Har Gao than THW..

Their signature pig liver rice roll was normal..


I love how crispy the bun is on the outside and you have steaming hot char siew oozing out from the inside.
It was so good that Jia and I decided to eat 3 each. #fatdieus.

And as if my late lunch wasn't enough, WC brought me to Dian Xiao Er for dinner.
Obviously I couldn't resist their roast duck and tofu.
In fact, I can't resist any zichar style kinda food with white rice.
And I finished the whole bowl of rice again. Roarrr.
I am such a typical lao hokkien. Hahahaha.

While I was still trying to digest my dian xiao er, he says " dessert time"!
I thought it was our usual Baskin Robbins but no.
We were going to Wimbly Lu!
Because I decided to tag him this on Facebook that day of all days.

Cafes in Singapore sorted by location

I was not kidding but I really felt like this! LOL.
(P.S. this is making me giddy as I typed the rest of the entry)

Okay back to Wimbly Lu, it would be pretty hard to get in there unless you drive. 
(To my surprise, The Cajun King was just right beside it!)
So the nice long walk in was much appreciated..
It is not hard to distinguish it from the rest cos it has a pretty red Beetle in front of it :)

They serve a decent amount of dessert but everyone seemed to be eating the same stuff. 

We too, were trend followers. 
Nothing much to rave about their waffle. It was fluffy but not fragrant. 
But the salted caramel made up for it a little.

We decided to have the Chocolate Lava cake instead of the Root Beer Cake cos we saw a girl who ordered gave a sign of disapproval to her boyfriend when she tried it. Haha.
And WC says it's probably just cake with a little Root Beer taste in it.

It's not that my phone couldn't capture a good picture under the dim lighting, but it really just look like this. 
I don't really know what's the rave about, but IMO it's really not that fantastic and I probably won't go again.

I wanted to take a picture of the cakes they have but something else stole the limelight. 
Can you find it? 
(No, it's not that guy. He was just trying to get a cake to serve his customer)

Woohoo and we had a pretty good date yesterday!
Darling said it's the first date of the year so my boy was dressed up really handsomely yesterday. 
Hahaha I even asked if he's going to attend a wedding luncheon in that! :p

We called it our voucher day because we had some vouchers to redeem from our credit card.
I was pretty excited cos I get to buy some stuff I usually won't with my money! Who won't?

Taken during one of our pit stop.
He posed because we were amazed by how many plates the three ladies behind us ate. 
50 plates of sushi at tea time! (We were that bo liao we went to count it! haha) 

And the rest of the afternoon was busy shuffling between Raffles City and Suntec to get our "presents"!

Hohoho guess what I got for myself?

I finally decided to get this for myself after some "sponsorship" from Citibank!
Spent pretty long in the shop and so satisfied with my buys!
And of cos the ever patient boyfriend who select each charm with me! :)

Every time I walked past the shop, I will mock at the people in there buying it.
"So nice meh? Free one huh?"
Moral of the lesson: Try it before you comment. 
It's so addictive and the satisfaction you got after stepping out of the shop: Priceless! LOL.
And the salesperson keeps telling WC my determination to stop at 7 charms won't last. Pfft.

It's officially the first luxury good I spent on myself.
I won't feel the pinch when I buy it for others but not so for myself, so most of my branded stuff were gifts from WC.
I wanted this long ago but I couldn't bear to splurge on it, and I didin't want to get WC to buy it for me.
Heehee and now I am a happy girl cos I really love it!

WC too got himself a good buy with partial sponsorship from OCBC. Haha.
But nothing beats mine! Heehee. 
And by the time we finished shopping, it's already 8+.
What can be better than having steamboat when you are hungry!
Our favourite Hotpot Culture in Marina Square!

So today was spent at his place doing up the wedding stuff. 
There's so much things to do but really hard to put them together.
But at least we kinda got our guest lists and gift ideas for our best man and bridesmaid today! :)

It's another 5 day of hard work before the weekend ahead!