Monday, February 17, 2014

Finding Happiness in Love

Happy Valentines all!
The valentines this year falls on the same day as the last day of the CNY.
Since we both have to go back home for dinner, WC took leave to meet me after my work.

Nothing special for our Valentines. 
So our V Day lunch was done at 4Fingers, just cos WC keeps complaining that I have been eating it without him. Heehee.
And we took the opportunity to meet up with our AD wedding photographer.
So impressed with his equipment and photos that we decided on him immediately! :)

We had a little misunderstanding but all's fine after a while.
WC made a booking at Teo Heng so we tried out the song list for our wedding banquet. 
I was jokingly asking him why I have no flowers on Vday.
And he said, "V day flowers are very expensive la!"
No wonder they say men changed after they get married, but we are not even married yet lo! Hahaha

No flowers but I got an unexpected present!

The next morning, we had my dimsum at my favourite dimsum restaurant!
WC made an appointment after I told him I have a craving for custard bun.
Heehee that's all my man spoils me all the time! :)

We headed to East Coast after that cos WC wanted to bring me to a new place for dinner.
We spent the afternoon doing some planning for our wedding.
It's so hard to get things going and it doesn't help when we are still so relaxed about it! Haha

Impromptu decision to try this cycling.
I wasn't for the idea at first cos it was a freaking $28/h!
So expensive lo!

But sometimes there's a price to pay for a little romance.
So glad we went ahead with it!
Love it more than a tandem because it's more relaxing and we can sit side by side to cycle :) 

I love being stupid together with WC, singing and being cheap thrill by taking over other pedestrians and cyclist with our very slow bike.

And even have time for some ice cream!

Even have time to camwhore when I "took over" the wheel! Haha

Super love this photo of us! <3<3

We didn't managed to make it to the restaurant cos the waiting time was an hour long, so we headed to our usual zichar place for dinner. 
But who cares what's for dinner as long as we are together? :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Last week of CNY

Last week of CNY update!
A few more of the usual gatherings before the CNY comes to a close :(

Just realise it's all pictures of food! 
Plus a few picture of a bunny T_____T

So our weekends were all about bingeing at people's place.
WC's mum made us tepanyaki lunch! 
I love how much effort she always put into her food preparation (that explains why he is such a sucker when he sees some novelty in food! hehe)

Eat at home also lay out until so nice! 

And at night, we headed over to Lena's place for our yearly steamboat dinner.

With my favourite girlfriends 

The usual gang :)


Special dessert prepared by Bella and her sister for the night. 
Everything handmade from scratch!

And look what I received from Bella and Gen!

It was such random gifts.
Bella bought me a baby shirt when I am nowhere near getting pregnant ( just cos I am her only friend that is getting married recently zzz)
And they started telling Lena's grandma that I am pregnant so the grandma went on and on to say that it is good that I am pregnant early cos she was already with a few children at 24! 
That made us all roar with laughter. Old people are so open minded nowadays meh?
And I am more old fashioned than an ahma!

The pair of Cony and Brown wedding dolls were from Genevieve, 
She knew that WC and I are fans of Cony and Brown and since we are having our photoshoot next week, she passed me as soon as she got it.

I received a message from Serene the other day.
She wanted to help me do my makeup for my photoshoot cos she's super pro at it. 
It's like at 6 in the morning and she didn't mind it at all.
Seriously, I have never expected that from her.
What have I done to deserve friends like them? 
I was really touched by their gestures and so glad these childhood friends will be by my side during my wedding! :)

And yesterday was Valentines and also 元宵节. 
So we decided to head home and have dinner with our families at home.
Look at the feast my uncle prepared!

And our highlight of the night.
Loser me was hiding behind my cousins throughout cos I was scared of the bunny that was roaming around. 
But still, he's so cute!!

Last Lou Hei for the New Year!

Concluded the CNY with a $8 win at Ban Luck and WC winning the $10 million TOTO!(I wish)
Haha a sub prize of $20!
Still very huat!

On a sidenote, we have finalised of AD photographer and videographer!
So happy!!!

Gonna go and get ready for brunch cos WC made booking at East Ocean cos Lao niang has cravings for custard bun! LOL.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

CNY 2014

My favourite festival is over :(
But I am still thankful for the long "rest" over the weekend with loads of catching up with friends and relatives.
I am particularly excited over this year's CNY cos it is technically my last year as a Missus and will embark on a new New Year with WC next year :)

The eve is usually the most bustling in my family.
My mum will be cooking in the kitchen since morning till evening.
That's what I am always looking forward to, cos I always enjoy those moments at home when everyone is buzzing around, helping each other with chores to prepare for the new year. 

That's my sis who inherited my mum's ngoh hiang recipe.

After a hard day of work, the most yummy home cooked lunchie!

My cutesy ahma stepped in to help while the rest of us were busy cleaning the walls.
The new abalone ambassador!

The yearly affair!

So this year, I decided to accompany my mum to my uncle's house to 拜年 after our reunion dinner.
Haha so funny cos we were all counting down to the new year show on teevee and immediately 拜年 when the clock struck 12.
So we spent the night chatting away while overcoming my fear with my cousin's new pet. 

Say hi to 宝贝!
So hard to capture a picture cos this bunny is so hyper!
Apparently it leaped out of the cage and jumped onto a wall and fracture its leg last week :(

And after a few hours of sleep, it's rise and shine again to accompany my grandma in our annual routine. 
She always make it a point to go to the temple on the first day of CNY.
I thought it was pretty meaningful though I am not a believer, but whatever makes her happy:)

Mad crowded!

Mummy's charcoal dessert and soup on first day of CNY.
Soup is the best when boiled using charcoal :)

My favourite pig stomach abalone mee sua!
I was laughing so hard when my sis sent me this photo.
Sis: you know where I got the background from?
Me: Where?


The family is gathering to watch a CNY MV that my favourite did.
Damn retarded but so funny!

What's CNY without lou hei???

Treated the family to a CNY lunch on 初二 before going to WC's house to 拜年.
So disappointed because most Chinese restaurants were closed so we settled for Bali Thai.
Quite a disappointing meal because the food suck despite the price being marked up.

My pretty sis and daddy!
Thankful for a very appreciative daddy who keep telling me the lunch was not bad cos I was so upset to drag the whole family to NEX but have nothing good to eat :(

Our yearly affair at River Ang Bao on second day of CNY!

All the zodiac at home!

Forgot to take our 初二 photo so one in the lift!

Luckily we did!
See how lousy our photos turned out at River Ang Bao :(

Steamboat and banluck at YP's place
They are WC's secondary friends but I love hanging out with them cos they are ever so funny.
We left the guys to decide what to have and they got more than 100 fishballs for all. 
The guys ended up getting stuffed by fishballs since they bought so much!

1-2-3 say cheese!

Plus a lou hei prepared by Eric every year.

Ending off with a picture of the future heartbreaker!
He's 10 months old but eat the same food as us i.e. cheng teng and fried bee hoon.
Haha that explains why his bulging tummy is always out!!

ME- Time

Been wanting to update about CNY for some time but I can't really find the time to do it. 
(Ok fine, that's an excuse. I have been digressing from what I want to do lately :( )

Work has been pretty busy these days. It seems endless.
And having three assignments due in two weeks doesn't really help.
Plus my mind is constantly thinking about many ad hoc matters about our wedding.
Not to mention my roller coaster emotions that comes once a month. 

I need to correct the normal saying that there are much to do for a wedding.
Because it's a once in a lifetime event, you keep researching for more because you only want the best. 
They ended up really unsettled and I HATE unsettled problems because they made me really frustrated.
I am such a chopchop currypok character. 

I get frustrated ==> Become indecisive ==> Don't know how to prioritse cos everthing feels important ==> Gets more frustrated.

And the vicious cycle continues. 

So yesterday, I decided to drop all work and head out for some ME Time. 
Refused to do any work (though my assignment is due next Tuesday).


I enjoy the ME-time at times going window shopping, doing my manicure, or even dropping by Yakun or Starbucks for a cup of coffee, surfing blogs and facebook and even just stoning into thin air.
Doing what I want without having to speak or relate to anyone.
They miraculously made me feel better after that.
The occasional bagging in of a good buy or something I like makes me even happier! Haha.

Some people fear doing things alone, or they don't want to be labelled as anti-social and lonely.
To me, it's perfectly fine.
I can't do it all the time, cos everyone needs company.
But I do believe everyone needs their ME-Time.

Don't get me wrong.
WC has been really supportive and understanding. 
Things would have been much worse without him.

In fact, meeting him for dinner and having some random conversations is something I look forward to at the end of each day.
Sometimes, I wonder how anyone could be so patient with me. 
At times, I would just call him and tell him all the stuff we have not done and began this whole cycle of frustration and ranting at him. 
I would have flare up if I were him, but he would just stay by my side and comfort me.

On a happier note, it's the weekend again!
BBQ at WC's place later, annual dinner at my girls' and aunt's place and I am more or less done for CNY!
Have a good weekend all! :)