Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Noms noms

Good food makes us happy. I just realise my recent photos are all on food places that we have not tried before. I correct myself: New and good food places make us happy. Haha.

Headed to Illuma+ for dinner after work one day. Steamboat seems to be the best choice cos we were both so hungry and the weather makes it perfect for a steaming hot meal. We walked past Suki-ya a few times but was apprehensive to try cos the grey pot they served the food in does not look appetizing. Decided to give it a go since we were too tired to walk over to the Liang Seah Street for our usual steamboat.

They have instructions for you to mix and match your sauces. I love love the Miso Tare.

I think we were too hungry from the waiting and got caught with such awkward and ugly (me!) expressions. Haha.

See that grey pot? Haha. I think my picture has beautify it abit.

Wanted to try the herbal soup but it is only available on weekends:( The meat was good. I love fresh and thinly sliced meat that allows me to shabu-shabu. However, the variety was quite limited for the 50 bucks we paid for two.

Another picture of the meat cos I love it!

We decided to have an ice-cream designing competition to see who can do up a prettier ice-cream. Hahaha but our end product look so similar we have to call it a draw!

The weekend was good. Spent the whole day slacking at WC's place. Due to work, it is only till weekend where we get the luxury to bum around and enjoy each other's accompany. Watching teevee, playing ipad, sometimes, even not doing anything seems like the best way to enjoy my weekend with his company:)

Headed to Bottle Tree Park cos we are bored of the usual shopping date.

The place is more rundown than I imagined it to be. Three ponds for fishing, prawning and catching long-gao fish.
Spot the flexible prawner.

It is quite cute to see the children chasing after long-gao fishes a.k.a guppies until I saw a squashed guppy on the ground. Think the kids accidentally stepped on it in while trying to scoop all their catch in their mini tank to bring home :( 

What's bottle tree park without a bottle tree? WC was saying it would be better if they have a row of such trees to make it more iconic. But guess it will be quite expensive to maintain in a free park like this?

The food variety was quite restricted. Just a Japanese restaurant, a seafood place and a small bistro. We decided to move on to another place since I see dead fishes amongst the fresh seafood.

Headed to Northpoint. It had been eons since I stepped foot here. The last time I came was with YH and Yuli where we went for fortune telling. Haha. Decided to try something different since we had come all the way to the North..

We were quite impressed with the food that we decided to google to see if they have other branches available. Sad to say, not for not NEL-ers, cos they only have one other branch at Bukit Batok :(

Something different for a starter. The Chinese Kimchi! *Yums*
My favourite dinner companion:)

2 satisfied customers!

Today marks the start of my holiday! Finally a good 3 day break to myself! woooo~

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