Monday, April 15, 2013

Monthsary love ♥

Saw on some blog and they had great review of Steamsia so I decided to get WC to try it with me for our monthsary dinner.

Sometimes review can go wrong too :(

Firstly, the place is so difficult to find.
Secondly, we didn't expect the place to be so empty ( I was still wondering if we will have seats since I didn't make reservation)
Thirdly, they had bad, in fact no service at all. LOL.

So once again, I was being "mocked at" for my choice of food places.
No more 再接再厉. WC will plan the rest! MUAHAHAHA.

Headed to City Square for some ice cream cos I was craving for something cold.

But end of the day, it was still a good night cos I had the best company as always! :)

Happy Monthsary love! ♥♥

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