Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cos we love steamboat!!

WC has been so busy these days it's hard to meet for a proper dinner on weekday :(
And finally a good dinner for our TGIF dinner! 

To think I got a good deal from Groupon!
Pui! Just about $2 cheaper from the usual deal :(

Our usual hotpot hangout..
The food is more or less the same although they have shifted to Level 4 now with a nicer layout (but with a higher price).

The photo bomb!


I always feel awkward about wearing couple wear.
Imagine when I saw what we wore! MUAHAHAHA.
It was our joke of the night and WC calls it telepathy! Heehee

An ice coffee, yuzu cake and a magazine to end our mad week.
My kind of a good weekend :)

Dragged WC to take some retarded shots with me.
Heehee and he always agree although he doesn't want to! 
Can't wait for our short getaway this weekend!! :))

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