Friday, June 21, 2013

Pineapple tart and Kueh Lapis with Oriton School

Took up a Groupon Deal earlier on with Oriton School to learn how to make Kueh Lapis and Pineapple tarts. 
Thought it was a pretty good deal at $55 pax and being so ambitious, I was telling WC that I can make them for CNY next year already. MUAHAHAHA.

First disappointment when we head down to the learning centre :(
It was located at Redhill, one of the blocks in the Employment and Employability Institute. For a moment, we feel like we are trying to get some training to get a job!

Excited us while waiting for the course to start!

The materials were pre-prepared to work in fours. 

Doesn't feel that hard, just 敲敲打打. But to do 9 layers is tiring enough, let alone 18 layers we were supposed to do. 

Me: Chef, our kueh lapis failed leh.
Chef: You never baked long enough. Other groups also never fail. *Continue with Candy Crush*
Me: Chef, I checked. Every group fail.
Chef: Orh. Next time just bake longer lo. *Continue with Candy Crush*

We continued with Pineapple Tart.
See how focused these 贤妻良母 are? 
My group was totally drained by the time we reached the 9th layer. Hahaha.

The candy crush chef =_=

Our final product :)

Despite the failed Lapis, it was a pretty enjoyable experience.
Maybe should try out other lessons again!

Dinner with the gang after that.
Looooong time since we last met!
But it's as funny as ever, especially with our dear Mr Thong, "interrogating" him on his love life. LOL.

Dinner was done at Skinny Pizza.
My first time trying (suaku I know) but it was really good! 

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