Cos I still haven't gotten the photos from PX for Van's wedding (haha and I swore I never want to rely on others for photos anymore), I am "complaining" every time I do up a blog post.
I love instagram cos they help me to remember what I have done in the week.
No need to edit and they just look so nice. Heehee.
Treated Jia to Korean dinner at Seoul Yummy cos she's starting school soon.
Also a celebratory treat for me cos I am finally gonna get the whole room to myself! MUAHAHAHA.

Had a meetup with my dearest girlfriends last Wednesday.
We had with us a special guest!
Corinne used to be in our secondary one "clique" but we had not met each other others for years after graduation.(Can you believe it, the rest of us went to the same school and same class and some in Uni through our studying years!)
On some random day, Serene suddenly decided that we should meet her (thank god Bella still have her number), and TADA, we met again!
I hold these girlfriends close to heart because there is this inseparable bond among us.
We might not meet all the time, but nothing seemed to change each time we meet. There's always this familiarity and comfort that draws us closer to each other :)
Haha someone commented on Lena's FB we look like some pageant girls.
Don't puke! The way we pose (especially Gen!) do strike some similarity!
So proud of my boy who decided to do the Army Half Marathon again (the last time he did was when we first met and I was like "WOW". This guy is fit leh! But that was also the last time. HAHAHA) so WC and I decided to go healthy and started on our weekly running regime.
Been at it for two weeks already and hope we can sustain it.
My favourite ban mian and dessert treat after the run also serves as an incentive for me!:)
I really think Zumba has made me a little fitter cos the nuapok me can now run 40 minutes non-stop without feeling very breathless. (I used to run only 15 minutes and refused to budge anymore heehee)
So sad I can't continue now as it clashes with my night class that's starting next week:(
All cranky after the run
The geeks FTW!
Weekend date at Suntec area cos we were attending some wedding fair.
Really excited cos we went to my dream wedding venue after that to check out their wedding package.
But it's so expensive for the type of food they offer.. food guru like us need to reconsider again :x
Isn't it beautiful?????
So we headed to Millenia Walk for our afternoon tea.
Saw this on
Cafehopping and so glad we came!
It is rather pricey to pay $9 for a slice of cake but this is DA BOMB!
Totally worth every cent we paid for!
We happened to get ourselves a counter seat so we get to witness the barista's coffee art!

Look what he got me!
Such a blissful afternoon watching the crowd go past you with mouthful and mouthful of delicious cake and coffee, and imagining how our future home will look like cos their counter serves as an inspiration for our future home :)
Went for bowling after that!
Long time since I have done that, but judging from my noob pose, you know what a good player I am!
One of my highest score! LOL.
The mood was so high at MS we had so much fun there.
There were actually family cheering us on, an Aunty Thor (I called her that cos she always throw the ball hard on the ground) who gets so excited she always walk into our lane while watching her ball knocking the pins down.
Sunday night was spent resting at my place cos WC was called back for work at midnight yesterday.
We discovered a new ice cream parlour near my place called
They had a wide variety of choices but everyone that patronise the shop seemed to order the same flavour.
We were one of them- Christmas Horlick.
I would say it's overpriced ($5.60) for a scoop like this except maybe the part where the nitrogen helps to freeze the milk was pretty amazing.
Neon lights plus smoke. Machiam a witch conjuring an ice cream from her magic potion.
Ending off the post with some Teriyaki Chicken Ball I made for our dinner yesterday!
It looks as good as it tastes!

Short week this week!
Can't wait for the exciting long week holiday!