Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mini Punggol Park Adventure!

WC has been trying to be more "healthy" recently but I have 1001 excuses to reject him.
It always seems like I am against the idea (but 99% of the time, I will enjoy it), I just lack the motivation to go for it.
And since he never pushes me to do things against my will, this frustrates both of us cos we dunno whether to keep the activity going not. LOL.

So after the "usual" debate, we went ahead for our cycling trip at Punggol Park.
We did our runs there before, but we didn't realise that Punggol Park was so HUGE and BEAUTIFUL.
We thoroughly enjoy our ride though our butt aches after two hours of cycling!
WC was in charge of navigating our tandem through the sea of cyclists and I was in charge of playing music and taking pictures. 

WC looked so funny here.
Got so hot meh???

We rewarded ourselves with some Pasar Malam food after that.
Finally got to try the famous Ramly burger after so long!
Highly raved but I doubt I will eat again.
Haha nice no doubt, but it's not exactly that fantastic plus it is so messy eating it.

Some random photo.. Someone knocked on my house door on Monday.

Just to deliver supper for me while I am doing my assignment :)

A random dinner photo.. My favourite all time!

One more day to the weekend! Yayyy!

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