Thursday, March 13, 2014

The mister's birthday Part II: A wonderful dinner @Aburiya

Because the dinner place was so highly raved by the both of us, it totally deserved a post on its own.
As mentioned, I cancelled off our dinner date at Pelican (Say no to bad service! Ok la.. not exactly bad.. I just don't like "un-thoughtful" service)

So last minute we decided on Japanese BBQ which I am so glad we did. 
I made a reservation at 6 but it was empty when we went in.
But the crowd came in soon thereafter, so please make a reservation if you think of dining there!

A cosy little shop with about 10 tables.

We didn't go for the set but did an ala carte order.


A picture of the happy birthday boy!

A happy me! Haha actually not very nice la.. just that I like my hair in this picture.
One of those rare good hair day moment.

A picture of us! <3

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