Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eat and Merry!

Headed down to Settlers for some board game time cos Weizhen got a really good deal online. $15 pax for 3 hours of game play plus a main dish and two drinks, why not? Board game cafe seems to be losing its popularity, but it's a good alternative to the usual drinking and feasting and indulge in some crazy candid moments with your friends.

Started with this game but I can't exactly remember how it works :p

But the highlight of the game came when we started camwhoring with the pig tokens in the game. See what I mean? The pig family and the ostracized pig. Haha.
Weizhen's Broccoli with chicken.. They are so generous with the chicken you don't see the broccoli. Haha

 My seafood laksa pasta. Thumbs up for something different yet nice :)

Happy Yuli! :)

Love's smoked duck pasta. Regretted not ordering this! 

While we were busy indulging in our good dinner, guess what JY was doing?
My favourite has gotta be this! <3<3<3

Back to some more game time after that. I am the UGLYDOLL QUEEN!

A group shot before we left. I like how Jieyang poses like a model. haha.

Wanted to find another place to chillout after that and headed to Haato instead. They serve quite decent ice cream and waffles.

                                       I love this! Pretty strawberry waffle with lychee sorbet 
It's also a birthday waffle for our birthday boy!

 Had to call the night to a stop cos we needed to catch the last train home. We forgotten that it was the eve of Hari Raya and the train services was extended :( Till the next gathering!

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