Saturday, August 11, 2012


What's better than meeting the best friend on a National day holiday?

Due to the nature of our job, it's so hard to fix a date to meet :( Finally got to meet Van yesterday and since my dear friend wanted to have an Egg Benedict for brunch, HATCHED we went!

We went to the brunch at HV, not hard to locate cos it distinctively stands out in the row of shop houses with the yellow spider-like string hanging on the exterior. It was really small and crowded on a Friday afternoon so we decided to do "alfresco dining" on the outside as we wanted a place to talk.

Love the very cute menu. But that's the only cute page.

I ordered a Phily and danjakk had her Egg Benedict. Nothing fantastic to rave about cos it's just a few pieces of bacon wrapped in an omelette and the presentation is a tad disappointing. 

My very happy danjakk with her Egg Benedict. Love her max :)

We also got ourselves a cuppa drink each but it was so disappointing that I don't even bother to take a picture of it. Paid about $5 for a cup of passionfruit juice that taste so bland. But what to expect when it is just a tea sachet in a cup of ice water :( IMPO, I don't think I will patronise them again.

The weather got a little unbearable so we headed to Island Creamery for some dessert. LOVE LOVE LOVE their ice cream! <3<3 Greedy us decided to get two scoops each and ended up too full to finish them.

Van's Teh Tarik and Milo ping pong (we can add milo powder on it too!). The Teh Tarik really taste like Teh Tarik. haha.

My Horlick (love this!) and classic Cookies and Cream. $5.20 for two big scoops, I really think it's worth the money :)

Spent the rest of the afternoon catching up. We are totally excited about her upcoming wedding next year! Lots of funny ideas and "visions" that we have. I am really grateful for a friend like her- someone who totally understands you and stands by you :)|

Looking forward to our next date and cycling outing! :) Gotta head off for facial soon! Ciao!

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