Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Past-agram too!

Instagram has got to be my favourite app thus far, thanks to Danjakk who "forced" me to get an account. Haha.

It helps me to recall what I have done and beautify my pictures with the prettiest effects.

Morning run at Punggol Park. Trying to get our lazy asses off to start some healthy regime!

Jia and I made some pretty mooncake together :)


Late night supper at AppleBee. They have really good deal after 9 even on weekends! :)

Swensens treat from colleagues. I have not stepped into Swensens for desserts for years and it only proves I am right. Service was slow and ice-cream was not really impressive IMO.

Our favourite pigging out session. How can I not grow fat if I keep feasting on these!

My sweet treat for the week!

We finally settled our NZ-Aussie itinenary after procrastinating for the longest time. I am getting excited just thinking about our stargazing at Lake Tekapo, hot air balloon, glacier climbing, bungee jump etc etc!

Be it whether I dare to do it or not, the thought of it is really EXCITING! *Heart pounding faster* Just that it has busted our budget by quite abit but it should be quite worth it! :)

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