Saturday, October 20, 2012


Brunch with YH last Sunday. We wanted to try out some places we have never tried before so Choupinette here we come!

It was pretty crowded for a weekend, but we were lucky to get a seat cos they do not take in reservations on weekend if you have less than 6 pax.

They have a wide array of bread and if you choose to have it in the cafe, they do heat up for you :)

My egg benedict. Looks pretty plain but the taste is much better than it looks :)

YH had the same, just that hers was done with smoked salmon.

The meal comes with a cuppa nice hot chocolate

 Nono, I don't know her. She just happened to get in my picture when I tried to take a picture of the pretty tarts behind her.

Headed to Island Creamery after a really filling brunch. But what's a complete meal without dessert?

This is what I get when I say "Say Cheese!"

And a shot together cos we haven't taken a picture together for the longest time!

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