Friday, July 18, 2014

the gluttony weekends

Finally got myself some time to update this space. 
Time has been zooming past so quickly I am already losing track of what I have done. 

Start of the post with the happiest thing today.
Our renovation has finally started!
After months of discussion and negotiation, we are one step closer to our home.

I don't mean to emphasise on how fast time past. 
But seriously, without my phone, it is hard to record down chronologically what had happened 

Had my favourite steamboat again!
Guess where?

WC gave us a treat cos it is his sis' birthday. 
They still had pretty good service , but now they hired Filipinos, which IMO loses the appeal of Hai Di Lo. 

The usual spread, except this time we had ALOT of vegetable. (Spot the 4 cup full)
Haha I was telling WC, we actually spent more than 50 bucks on veggie alone. 

I thought this looks cute. But I don't like the bittergourd. 

We head back to rest after lunch and found a gem near Little India. 
Don't say I never share!
 I am seldom a fan of cafe but I was totally sold by the food sold in Jewel Cafe and Bar @Rangoon Road.

Food aside, the ambience makes it worth visiting already. 
A two level industrial feel cafe, it was pretty quaint on a Saturday night.
Something hard to find in Singapore, where we don't have to try hard not to hear the conversation of those sitting beside you. The service isn't the best, but it ain't that bad either, so not much comment. 

And the highlight! 

We had the OMG burger, topped up 2 bucks for a generous serving of truffle fries.
Doesn't look special but look at this!

I think got effort leh.
Cheddar cheese, beef patty, luncheon meat and veggie.
The patty was a little tough and makes it hard to bite. Haha I thought it tasted a bit like meatball.
WC says they probably took some time to serve that's why it's more tough.

Ok and the reason that I am so biased is because of this!
We also shared a crabmeat linguine which was damn good. 
The pasta was cooked to perfection and topped up with a very crispy fried mantou. 
Not to mention the damn nice chilli crab gravy. *Slurp*

And a picture of my ever photo ready WC!
I love the new shirt that he bought from Uniqlo :))

And of course nothing beats the awesome company that we had for the weekend rite?
(Actually I just want to show how lousy S5 camera is under low light)

Had a very exciting Saturday morning but shall share more in another post. 
So we headed to town to collect our "race pack". Hahaha.
Don't know why I agreed to join this with WC. 
Maybe I thought it would be a new milestone for us cos we have never done something like that before.
I know it's a fun run that's just 5km but I am actually quite excited and scared at the same time.
WC keeps rolling his eyes at me whenever I told him I want to rest at home on Saturday before the run. 

Haha please don't judge someone who has never run more than 5km in her life.

 And thanks to zenghu bonus, I gave WC a treat at Crystal Jade Korean Ginseng restaurant!
We were craving for Korean food and up pops LadyIronChef recommendation on google.

I realise it was highly raved but the reviews were dated back to 2012 where we had less authentic Korean food then. 
It lacks the Korean feel but they made it up with the very good service.
For the price, I think I won't visit again though I receive a free Ginseng Chicken voucher for the next visit. HAHAHA.

Hair tied up like ahma in fear of stinking like the BBQ beef.

Free flow panchan which was not very authentifc IMO. 

 Kimchi pancake which was made even more yummy after we pan fried it on the BBQ stove. Heehee.

A mixture of the different wagyu beef parts.
That yellowish looking one is the tongue! FML. 

And we ordered this because we are entitled to get it for 9.90 if we spent above 80bucks.
So the two dishes above cost us the price already. Abit ex. 

Okay shall continue tomorrow.
It's TGIF but I have to go work early and come home late. Sian. 
Good night folks!

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