Friday, September 28, 2012


Some past instagrams (= Past-agram haha) from the previous week!

My craving for ban mian and I found the nicest one at 313 Food Republic! *slurp*

Macademia nuts and forest berry for our Saturday dessert @ Hagen Daz

First time trying! 

Favourite prawn noodle @ Upper Serangoon after going to Heron Bay's showroom

Some tangerine prawn from TCC

My chubby tutee!

Some home-cooked prawn noodle for love on Tuesday :)

Looking good eh? Taste good too! ",)

My pink package from love to ease the terrible cramps. Cheers to the sweetest boyfriend! *Muacks*

Meet ups!

I am finally F-R-E-E!!!!

After months of work, we are finally done and I really do feel a heavy load off my shoulder. Just that I feel a tad to free and lost at times now

Did a meet up with FZ last week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BFF! :)

It was a birthday treat at Delicious at Scotts Square. Their decoration is the main factor that attracted me there though Hungrygowhere gives it a rather bad review haha. But since we just wanted a nice and quiet chill out place in town, I think this place deserves some credit for that.

My duck confit spaghetti. Not too bad but I didn't expect my duck to taste like roast duck.
  The not-so-nice fish and chip

Not exactly a delicious visit, we decided to skip their dessert and head down to TCC for our second round of chitchat session!

TCC never fails. They just revamped their menu which removes my favourite drink but thank god, they introduced the Yuzu Ginger Soda which naturally tops as my new favourite now! <3

WC decided to bring me to a new chillout hangout last Friday :)
After a week of mad rush at work for both of us, we always enjoy a little chillout session together doing nothing at all. In fact, it was the first time hanging out together in a music bar like Shuffles instead of the usual coffee places.

 My Friday date :) No picture of me cos I look really shag. haha.

I personally prefers here to Timbre as they have a mixture of both Chinese and English pop :)

Their Truffle fries that failed this time round :( Too oily and soggy.

Weekend was spent with the WC's buddies. We headed to Kembangan's Seng Ke Black Herbal Chicken Soup for some really nice pig innards mee sua. Disgusting as it sounds, it was really nice I won't mind having a second serving soon!

I forgot my camera that day but with the power of the internet... 

Nice eh? $4.50 for a bowl like this. I think it's super worth it!

Liverpool vs Man U match on Sunday with WC and Dexter. It was pretty interesting cos Liverpool Fan Club was also at Riverview Hotel and they were pretty high despite playing a losing batte. But it was more interesting watchin the boyfriend and Dex, a liverpool fan and the latter, a Man U fan watching the match together.

They have a pretty interesting menu though I would give them two thumbs down for a hotel cafe's service.

You will never eat alone! Haha

So fast. It's TGIF again! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mini Hot-Dog buns

My hands were itching to bake again but I was feeling so lazy. Till I saw the hot dog bun recipe on Jessica's blog. Cos she said it was EASY. haha.

It was a pretty simple and fun recipe. I changed the recipe for 16 to 12 instead.

Why easy? Cos you just knead all the ingredients together till you get a ball of dough!

After 20minutes...

I don't know if I got it right cos it is not the fluffy white bread I expected it to be. WC said that since it is a recipe from, it can be those crispier rock bun! He makes it sounds so reasonable that I am beginning to think I got it right! Hahaha. Anyways, since those who tasted quite like it, it shouldn't be too bad! :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Picnic love :)

Finally our picnic materialise!

It was such a beautiful day for picnic cos the weather was perfect. The weather has been kind to us to offer us a no sun yet breezy Saturday morning.

Spot our vintage sunflower and sarong picnic mat!

Our souvenirs from Cebu

Love the vibrant colours!

Though we didn't prepare any food, look at our variety!
 We even have 龟苓膏! Hahahaha

 My pretty girls! <3

On a random note, while everyone is into the Gangnam style, spotted this video on FB.
The zombie is especially hilarious.. especially when he is doing Gangnam! Haha better than Psy!

Saboten date

Did a dinner date with Gen and Bella earlier this week. Couldn't decide where to go so we headed to Saboten. I have seen it around a few times and I finally got to try it!

They were promoting their Ebi Katsu so we decided to give it a try since it comes with free flow cabbage, soup and rice!

I love this! Fresh cabbage with their special sauce. The staff were very attentive and replenishes our cabbage the moment the plate empties.

The professional sesame grinder. haha.

The "glowing" Gen. They say woman in love exudes a glow, do they? Heehee

My Ebi Katsu Loin Set. I don't really like the ebi cos it tastes separated from the piece, but the Katsu loin is fried to perfection. Yums.

Gen's Ebi Katsu Supreme Set

Bella's Chicken Katsu Set

Their special sauce that goes really well with the rice and katsu. You will like it if you can appreciate sour plum (i think)

They have a totally irresistible macha ice- cream. I am not a green tea lover but this is so so so good! Smooth yet not so creamy. The macha tastes just right :)

The usual girls talk and we were quite hyped up cos there is going to be a new addition to our clique soon! Heehee..  

Friday, September 14, 2012

The season of love

Celebrated our anniversary last Saturday. It's hard to plan something when it falls on a weekday but WC always have something to surprise me :) 

We went to Halia for dinner. It was a nice, long Al fresco dinner, away from the hustle and bustle. Guilty of being the unhealthy and non-nature lover, I can't even remember when was the last time I stepped into the Botanical Garden. It was surprisingly quiet for a Sunday evening, and we had already make plans to head there for a picnic soon! I love going on a stroll with WC, just enjoying each others' company and having endless things to talk about. 

 Thought Risotto for appetiser is a little to filling but it tuned out to be so refreshing cos the rice turned out to be bean sprouts!

My scallop. Freaking nice! My eyes lit up the moment I sent it into my mouth. Haha no joke!

My duck confit. I was secretly hoping I ordered the seabass that my neighbouring table was having.
 WC's baby steak. Really tender and nice!

Our only picture together. Booboo for the lousy photo quality. So hard to take nice pictures in a dimly- lit place:(

 We sneaked our baby elmo and cookie monster in. Heehee.
 Another picture together. I hate the flash! :(

The staff were rather sweet to prepare a dessert for our anniversary. But I find it really weird to have my name on it. Haha. 

The staff were really attentive and know their stuff well- except for one. Haha. The manager came and started introducing us their specialty. I was totally clueless and I sneaked a peek at WC and he looked equally lost. So chim meh?
Haha turned out the waitress passed us the wrong menu. Other than that, everything deserves a thumb up! :)

We had our Part II which was a simple dinner on the actual day. This was supposedly our part III but our picnic on Sunday was ruined by the rain :(

Food makes us happy!!!

And love prepared a little surprise for me! <3
Thanks for being my strength, my comfort, my joy and hope. Happy Anniversary pok, I love you <3

True love isn't Romeo and Juliet who died together. It's Grandma and Grandpa who grew old together. 
                                                                                                                                         ~Ted the bear