Wednesday, January 2, 2013

We are never too old for Lego!

Our third time to Malaysia together and we are heading to Legoland this time!
It's was WC's company's family day so we thought we would just go ahead otherwise we cannot find another reason to visit that place. Haha.

A touristy shot at the entrance.

WC's company was really generous. Mahattan's fish market's buffet!
I would have love to try other food there if not for the buffet- Cos everything is half price!

Legoland is indeed a play haven for children!
Nothing much for adults really.. so we just camwhore around like little children!
A photo-logue for this entry :)

With Lego Christmas tree!

Even the restaurant signboard is made of Lego!

More icons/wonders of the world!
They are so beautifully done :)

Hello Mr Tourist! *Forced face*

This guy really snores! 

Do you recognise this?

More cutesy Lego!

 Ending off a picture with Einstein for our last getaway for 2012!

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