Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello Friday, hello love :)

This week had been mad busy and there are times I am so tired I actually concussed immediately when I reached home.

WC had been really busy this week too cos a new project has started but he always make time for me no matter how tired he is :)

We promised to meet no matter how late he ended work yesterday and he says he will drag me out of my house just to go on a date with me even I am too lazy to go out.
See how much the boyfriend wants to go on a date with me? LOL.

It was pretty late by the time I met WC and we need sinful indulgence to keep us awake!

Punggol Nasi Lemak at 11pm!

My favourite boy 

No more dessert place around so we headed to the arcade!
We used to go to the arcade for car racing together.. but the machines were crowded though it's near midnite.
So we played some old school game and you can see I was trashed :(

We decided to head home after that cos our eyes were closing by 1+.
To think we used to hang out for late night movie till 2 or 3 in the past.  Really 岁月不饶人 leh! Hahaha.

And you know when you are really tired when:
1. We mistook the uncle cab driver as a lady. So paiseh when I called her aunty!
2. WC and I went home with one racke each when I am supposed to bring both home.

Time to get back to work and maybe meet love for a nice dinner! :)
My girls are all at the airport now ready for a vacation but I m stuck at home cos of work:((
Enjoy yourself in Bali!!!

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