Sunday, January 6, 2013

To the land of half!

For two consecutive weekends, we have been heading to JB..
But this time it was with my favourite girls! 

It was an impromptu decision to head there after our discussion over dinner last weekend.
So we went in at different timing cos some of them could only make it in the afternoon.

Love and I headed in first for some cheap and good food!
Traffic was so good unlike the previous week :)
It was such a lucky day cos we bumped into PY the moment we went in but decided not to have stone grills since they were almost done as well..
Guess what we have?

No prize for guessing cos we are always eating this!

The happy boyfriend and his shabu shabu cos he has been craving for it! :)

Paid less than 30 bucks for the meal and it left us really satisfied.
Getting everything half price gets me really excited and happy! :)

The rest of them arrived almost immediately after we had settled our bill.
Aren't we really lucky?
Headed down to buy movie tickets before getting ourselves a drinks and some catching up!

It's really funny the five of us can chat endlessly the moment we meet, wherever we are.
In the restaurant, at any shops we go into, even outside the toilet! HAHAHAHA
Thank god the boyfriends seemed to be able to entertain themselves well though I saw them shot us the helpless look a few times whenever we just settled anywhere and chat like no one's around. 

Caught a really good movie 'Parental Guidance' that leaves us laughing and crying at the end of the show.
Then it's time for dinner!
A must have when we head to JB- SEAFOOD!

Headed to 大马花园 for seafood.
I didn't know 
大马花园 and Taman Sentosa were two different places till Eldine pointed out to us.
So we took a cab to KSL and walked there.
It was a pretty long walk cos we didn't really know where we are heading..
Thankfully we managed to find the place in the end but it was good cos it left us hungry and all ready for dinner!

Smartie WC took a picture of the place before we left.

The sweetest and cutest couple!
So happy for my newly- engaged Mrs Ling! :)

Winnie and Louis who made his debut appearance! :)

Feast time! Looking at all these makes me hungry again.
Especially when I am eating magee mee for dinner today:(

The table of food makes me feel very HUAT! hahaha

So much food and it only costs us RM460! Shiok or what?

So much fun and fear during dinner! (Mainly injected by Van and her cat-scare haha)
The trip was so good we decided to make it a fort-monthly affair :)
Looking forward to our annual CNY reunion with more food and Kinect fun! 

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