Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And this time, we go Thai!

Met up with my dearest girls last Saturday to celebrate Peixi's birthday!
Since the birthday girl was craving for Thai food, we went to Jai Thai at Purvis Street for dinner.
A really simple layout in one of the shophouse but they served the best Thai food!

Some pictures before the food arrived.

The bff and the birthday girl!

With my most nonsensical friend whom I still heart :)

And a picture with my favourite girls! 

So lazy to post all the picture of the food cos we ate so much.
So I just kope Winnie's collage to post here (In fact, all were her photos!)
And this 9 picture collage is still not enough to capture all the good food we have that night!
1 more fried fish plus all these only add up to about $100!!!

Hopped over to TCC for more catching up!


My weekend continues with a picnic suggested by WC!
Our picnic has never succeeded cos it always rained whenever we wanted to go, but this time we were blessed with the most perfect weather!! :))

I can't helped but post a picture of the food I prepared cos I am so proud of it! 
Two thumbs up from the boyfriend too! Teehee.

A simple date with love is bliss :)
Can't wait for the busy week to be over and the weekend to come again!

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