Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The week in grid

Instagram is the best way to record what I have done in a week.

Hohoho.. Thanks to WC, we found an ID which we *ahem* like! 
(Because I am always full of praises for whichever deal we got at first but then criticise them badly if the deal fall off thereafter. Haha so WC always gives me zero credential for my review.)

And to make things better, we got a really nice dinner at Katong after that!
BKT @ Ng Ah Sio 

And desserts after that.
I can't resist waffles especially when I am in a duper high spirit. 
And they have some special Kaya flavour that I am so glad we chose!

Lunchie with my colleagues on Friday at Ambush.
Good lunch makes me happy after a hard week at work!

And cos I have to rush off after lunch to meet Gen, I forgot my change after paying.
LOL when I saw this. 
I have a love-hate relationship with my friends haha.

See what I mean? 
Breakfast on my desk when I returned from the toilet.

Decided to cook something for WC and tried out this teriyaki chicken pizza.
(Plus a can of our favourite Radler hehe)
I swear it taste better than it looks. 
Cos I can see from the mister's face :)
And he said we could include it into our future menu!

My mum who is finally and very excited to be on wadsapp!

And a lazy brunch with the sis at Group Therapy :)

One more day to midweek!
Gonna blog about the mister's awesome birthday in awhile! :)

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