Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I love short weeks like this!

Labour day tomorrow so this week seems much shorter!
Denial like this makes the dreadful weekdays passed by faster :)
Met HF on Monday for a catching up. 

Because three of the four dishes at Soup Restaurant failed us, a collage is enough to help me document what we had that day.
 That's why I prefer 店小二 all time.

There's always space for dessert after meal, especially when dinner is not satisfying enough.
We ended up having a HTHT, something I missed doing with her years ago.
We had some misunderstanding some time back, which led our friendship to drift away for some time before we decided to meet up again.
Things had gotten better these days and hope it continues to get better! :)
Sometimes all it takes is just courage to speak your heart out and two mature mindset to set everything right.

Hitched a ride from my colleagues to meet Jia at PS for dinner. 
Not craving for anything so we settled at Tim Hor Wan. 
Lucky us, don't know why they usher us in when there's a queue. 
Twice we went, we had such luck! 

Don't know what app Jia uses, the pictures always turn out this good. 

This was surprisingly good and light. 
Jia's favourite

But this was really good la. 
I was contemplating to order the second serving though we were damn full. 

Did some shopping before dropping by Baskin Robins for some ice cream!
The only branch that serves my favourite cotton candy flavour <3
I love Wednesday cos it's a 1 for 1 free scoop day!

Now who's the one who doesn't know where the camera is? Heehee. 

Welcome HOME!!

Before I begin, drum roll please! *drum rollllllllll*


From this... (okay technically we didn't go through this stage cos we didn't get the unit when we apply)

Neither this..

And a year later, we started keeping track of its progress because we got a unit from the SOB. Yayyy!

Going for weekly run and getting cheap thrills just to see that our unit is up and others are not...

And getting frustrated why they started painting other blocks first

And after countless refreshing on thee HDB website, we finally receive this!!!

Holy moly! Our home is here!
And of all time, I discovered it when I woke up from my nap and hadn't feel awakened enough to feel excited about it. FML.

Told WC immediately and I can't wait to dig a deep hole in our pocket to exchange for our new home!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Seafood Marinara with Chef Sim!

It's the weekend again!
Seriously, I think age is catching up, I no longer have any agenda when I hit town.
Everything in the virtual world looks more appealing but I still do like to stroll around town doing window shopping.
But not WC. He gets bored walking around and is always looking for pit stops for food and drinks. Haha
I don't blame him cos 男人都是一样的! LOL.

So we just hovered between Suntec and Marina, occasionally listening to my pre-martial rambles.
Honestly, I am really feeling the jittery already!
WC keeps assuring me that everything is on track, but precisely cos there's all these little details like montage, songs, decorations that the man doesn't see that is making me cranky.  
The kanchiong spider is acting up because of that!

Plus the HDB that is taking forever to arrange our appointment to collect our home keys is making me really pekcek. 
Seriously, the whole world is renovating and shifting in already, why is my key still not ready???
Pfft.. I am done ranting.

So back to today, the only thing I spent money on was on Soup Spoon. Hahaha.
So much for trying to be healthy, I chose the most fattening soup cos I want to break away from my usual mushroom soup. FML. 

And a top up of $4.90 for a drink and salad is a real good deal. 
Took a picture of this chilled soba with grilled chicken. It tastes really refreshing. 
Telling WC that there's hope for the processed- food- junkie to go healthy soon!

WC suggested eating home because he felt like cooking. 
Whee~~ So I got to try his cooking again!
The last time he cooked risotto for me was a loooooooong time ago. 

The initial plan was 3 dishes with rice, with dishes inspired from Putien menu. LOL.
Don't know why it turned out to be this.
No prize for guessing what he's cooking!

Chef in action.. De-veining the prawns..

Looks really good right?
Garner quite a number of likes on facebook leh. Haha.
So should get WC to cook more for me right? Heehee.

On a sidenote,, gown fitting today and I am hoping to find some nice gowns!
And my design for wedding invitations and ring bearer are ready!
LOVE IT SO MUCH but I can't share it with anyone! 
Roarrr damn hard to keep secrets!  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Jane Thai Food

Blogging while WC is watching soccer beside me.
Was expecting a big victory but such a boring match today *yawn*

Saturday was town day!
We have not been to town for some time and were quite surprised by some changes (though I can't really recall what has changed.)

Chanced upon this at Scape cos they were having some eco-fair.
These skyscrapers were built from drinks carton. Doesn't look like it from far right? 

And the reasons we were there was because of Mitju shoe fair.
We saw the advert at Somerset so that became my agenda of the day.
Bagged two pairs for only $35 and one other at $12. 
Cheap or not?
Plus it was a gift from WC cos I haven't been shopping for a long time :)

I forgot what we did in between. 
Sign of old age: Town is no longer interesting. Bahhhh.

Okay I remembered. We had a movie at 940 so WC suggested we walk down to Orchard Tower to try the Thai food I had been raving to him.

FML. I can't even remember the shop cos everywhere seems to be under renovation. 
So I quickly googled and saw Jane Thai Food as recommended by Ladyironchef.
It's a little adventure for us cos it reminded me of Patong, the red light district in Bangkok.
Since I couldn't find the one I tried before, we just quickly settled for this. 

We actually stopped to take a selfie at Orchard Tower. LOL.
(Disclaimer: Not me ok! hehe)

The food didn't fail and they have a bunch of pretty friendly waiters (which I assume are the bosses). 
Ordered the clear Tom Yum Soup. Tasted a little different from what we usually have and a little more sour imo.
Would try the red tom yum next time cos I think the taste will be more balanced. 

The Phad Thai was good too, just not very authentic.
Spot the crabstick in phadthai =_=

3 words: VERY VERY GOOD.
Hahaha ok I know that description sucks. But the prawn cake was really crispy on the outside and juicy in the inside.

The next recipe in my to-cook-list: Basil Pork.
Goes real well with a bowl of white rice.

The bill came up to about $50 with two drinks.
I won't say it's cheap but what's cheap in Singapore anymore?
They have a new Mookata on their menu, so will go try that in future!

Jane Thai Food
400 Orchard Road #04-30 Orchard Towers Singapore 238875

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chilli Crab with Prima Taste!

I wanted to update my two outings with my girls but I realise I forgot my photos again :(
So I should just focus on my chilli crab cooking adventure today!

It was the Good Friday yesterday but WC had to work.
Quite disappointing cos I thought we could finally relax and celebrate after my modules are over.
But I decided to prepare a little surprise for him after being inspired by *ahem* some 黄金年华 show that was showing how to cook a crab last Sunday. 
We both love crab, and he had been mentioning it a few times to go for a crab feast together.

Heeding my friend's advice, I decided to try the Prima Taste's Crab paste that costs a whooping $7.40.
It had better be good cos it's almost thrice of the price of the other paste available in the market.
 A little panic attack in the morning cos there's not a single crab in sight in the whole wet market!
Thanks mummy to the rescue, she brought me to the supermarket and they have some live crabs available.

And this is all we need :)

Follow the instructions on the package. 

And got a little skeptical...

And more skeptical cos there looks like it's too much water..

Till the aroma starts filling the whole kitchen..

And tada!

Looks damn good right?

I don't know what app she uses but this photo is totally magazine worthy. 
But seriously the crab look so good in real life, it looks like those we had in Chinese restaurants outside!
We even prepared fried mantou to go with it okay?
I was amazed how easy it was to cook, and received fantastic reviews from the family! *beam with pride*

And just when we thought we could settle down for some crab, we were in for more drama. LOL.
Realise the shells were not cracked, so we started digging for a claw cracker.
Then suddenly...

We burst out into laughter cos since when is the shell so hard?
And no prize for guessing who's the culprit.

Look damn guilty can?
Caught in the act! Hahahaha

So we have like 4 claws left not cracked, my mum suggested wrapping the claws in a plastic bag and hitting it with the handles of the scissors.
And WC broke it again!

Last alternative, hammer.
Poor WC is damn scared by now.
Hahaha he even make disclaimer before using the hammer. 

And Jia sponsored us durians for after meal dessert!!
The happy girl with her favourite durian that she has been craving for a long time. 
(Too bad the durian seller sold her some lousy ones.. haha)

It's indeed the most accident-prone and messy cooking adventure together, but it's so fun we are going to do it again soon!!  

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Food overload.: Grandma's Kitchen. Seafood dinner. L'etoile

Allow me to share my joy!
Woohoo I am finally done with all my projects and essays!
These weeks have been really draining and I swear I need to pamper myself with some proper grooming cos I was too tired to even mask the past weeks.
Just wanna concuss on my bed every time I reach home.

4 modules down so far, 6 more to go! zzzzz.

Met up with my ladies for a movie date.
Honestly, not a movie I will choose to watch but it's a good change once in a while :)

It was a Hindi movie and it was pretty refreshing for a change. 
You see the difference in culture and how men is always portrayed as the most important in the family. 
All I can say, the show overthrow a saying: the way to a man's heart might not be through his stomach.  hahaha.

But we definitely need a good meal to fill our stomach after the show!
First time at Grandma's Kitchen. 
About $125 for these four dishes, I doubt I will come back again. 

A drink at Queen and Mangosteen. 
All time favourite!

WC and I headed for some BBQ seafood cos we were craving for some "big-fire" dishes with hot steaming rice.
We are not those fine dining restaurant couples perhaps only during special occasions.
Hahaha we like zichar with many dishes!

All the restaurants were so crowded in Vivo, we decided to head to this food village outside St. James. 
And the only store open at 7 was BBQ seafood!
Damn shiok! And it's less than $50 for all these. Except we had a cup of coke each for $2.30 that I am not very happy about. Roarrrr. 

We caught Rio 2 after that and I thought it was a pretty decent movie though the review was not very good. 
One of the scenario that I laughed so hard was 2 tortoise trying to High 5 each other.
Geddit? Heehee. 

And if seafood dinner on Saturday was not enough, hohohoho!

And we had to rush home after that cos there's a big match between Liverpool and Man City.
Now it has already been a default that we are watching all matches if together if possible.
Haha he used to ask me if I want to watch, not anymore! 

But I am not complaining cos it can be quite fun.
No point for guessing who won!

Dinner with Jia yesterday at L'etoile. 
I quite like the laid back ambience and decoration till a group of people entered and got a little noisy.
Not complaining cos a cafe is meant to be noisy la!
Turned out it was some event for the bloggers, haha and I could identify some of them!
Was telling Jia cos she was back facing them, and she was like "orhhh.. the underboobs arh?"
Hahaha you will get it if you follow Xiaxue's dayre. 

It was a fries overload night. 
$12 for this overflowing plate of fries

And this beef sandwich is sucks!
I can make a better one than this lo.
But I choose to think it's because we ordered the wrong dishes, will head back to try others if I am in the vicinity again. 

Till the next, which is soon! Haha