Sunday, November 18, 2012

The steamboat week!

Taking time to blog while waiting for work to start :(

Sis and I prepared a simple steamboat for dinner cos she was having a really strong craving for it.
I decided to make something different from the usual fishball and crabsticks..

Tada! My coca- inspired chicken balls! Haha surprisingly yummy!!

Steamboat again with the bff cos we backed out from the idea of having Korean BBQ last minute. Cos I didn't want my hair to stink!! Didn't realise Novena has a 辣妹子 besides the branch at Bugis. Not exactly the best steamboat around, but $18 for an air-conditioned place for us to eat our steamboat in comfort, why not? :)

And a must go when you go Novena! My favourite Mao Shan Wang!!

This week was a good week cos Public Holiday was smacked right in the middle of the week. It always make the work week seems shorter.

Love and I decided to do some prata as our Deepavali "celebration". It was surprisingly good cos it's not oily at all.. Just that for the same price we pay, we could get double the portion in a hawker centre..

Spot the man!

And we finally got our racquets! Yayyy! A good start to our aim to start a healthy regime. We were so excited we headed to the void deck to play immediately after getting the rackets. Haha. Can't wait to start our first session this Sunday!

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