Sunday, November 11, 2012

You are my reason to smile :)

November has got to be my favourite month this year cos we finally got our flat!!!

I was so excited I secretly checked the result first though I promised WC we will check it together. heehee. Imagine our joy when we saw the email! Can't wait for the selection of the flat! :)))))

Call us kiasu . Haha we actually headed down to the site to check out the flat even before we got it 
This feeling is so surreal, but I like it. Another milestone together!:))
 Just talking about our future home, coming up with 1001 ideas of what we want is a feeling I cannot describe but treasure and look forward to. And it so happen it's our monthsary so it has got to be the best monthsary present ever!  

9 storeys and building :) 

Marche for dinner but just pictures of food cos we forgot to take pictures of ourselves as always :(
And though I was so excited recently I forgot it's our monthsary today, Happy 26th pok! Thank you for always being them to love and bringing me a thousand reasons to smile everyday. *muackies*

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