Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekends should be like this!

Friday began with a MGS lunch with my colleagues. 
In case you are wondering, MGS = Makan-Gossip-Session! Haha

Headed to Chilis at Clarke Quay Central and we actually had a 4 hour lunch!
They were having quite a good lunch deal- A mains, side and free flow drink for $16. No service charge for two thumbs up service!

And I bought this for us while waiting for WC to reach after work.
So cute right?

Dinner was done at Nanxiang at PS. Sadly, food quality and service has dropped IMO :(

ZJMian has a "lardy" taste. arghhh

WC was so disappointed with the golden fried rice. Taste like yangzhou fried rice lo :(

 I got pretty upset after receiving a phone call, no mood for anything  after dinner so WC brought me to the arcade! Best way to vent your frustration!
We had a tag each cos the arcade allows free play! Woohoo~
Shoot down all your frustration!

Finally got down to our badminton session today!

GV is now opened in City Square! They were having some Movie Quiz so we took part and got these vouchers. Hopefully WC and I could be the top 10 winner and win $1000! LOL.

A forced smile before he can eat his food.

Pigging out after our badminton session at Sushi Tei. 

Ending off with a spider woman at Toys R Us! 
Happy weekend everyone! :D

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