Thursday, June 13, 2013

A thousand days of love

Love has been wanting to bring me to a "special date" last week.

We were supposed to go for a romantic steak dinner at Wooloomooloo (Don't even know where that was till I googled it haha)

But I waited from 5 to 6 to 7 to finally 1030 before I met WC. No thanks to his OT :(

In the end, I was instructed to meet at Kallang.
Immediately knew where we were going when I reached there!

Turned out WC wanted to celebrate our 999th day (being more mathematically inclined, I corrected him and told him it was the 1000th day instead heehee)

Where else but 126???

This scallop roll is da bomb!

Of course I won't miss out a special date like this cos it was in one of my P.P.D. heehee
Got this book for love as a reminder for us to be appreciative and keep our love tank full at all times :)

Back to where we had our first date a thousand days ago, ordered the same if not more food, but the feeling is entirely different.
I always tell him, I am not good at expressing my thoughts in words.
Thankfully, I found someone who can understand me well without saying much :)
Let's continue to love each other, irritate each other for the next thousands of days.
Love you poky! 

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